Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Final Countdown

This is it. Whatever doesn't get into the suitcase in the next few hours is staying at home. Earlier I was shaking with excitement. Well, either excitement or the effects of the asthma medication that I'm going to be very sure I take, so I don't get sick. Things I'm worried about: getting sick, missing a connection, or leaving a power cord behind.
Here's where we're going to be...Singapore, London, Bath, Liverpool, the Lynn Peninsula in Wales, York, somewhere in northern England or Scotland TBD, Inverness, the ISle of Skye, Edinburgh, London again, Reykjavik and Iceland's ring road, London yet again, Singapore again then home.
I can't believe we're doing this!
This week has been full of farewells, and food and fun. Today we had a Reardon barbecue lunch, and Sue popped by in time to join us for a game of Finska.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Hello? Is it me you're looking for?

I'm testing out a new blog, before the big trip (only ONE week and THREE days until Bruce and I are on the plane to Singapore).